It is no wonder that Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. This can be attributed to the fact that the country is not only a natural beauty but also has lots of manmade attractions calling tourists from all over the world. It is a country you can be sure to enjoy from whichever part you choose while within it. It is a huge country made up of different regions and fortunately each has great things in store for its visitors.

Catalonia is such one region with plenty of things to offer. You will find here lots of monuments within the cities that it has. Barcelona is one of the best cities in this region and it has world fame more especially because of the popular football club. It however also have lots of monuments and hot tourist spots making it one of the most visited annually. The monuments here are mostly in form of castles, palaces and cathedrals all of which have something interesting to offer.

The Guell Palace is one of the gems as far as the palaces and castles category is concerned. It was built back in 1885 through to 1889 and was the original design by the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. It was a dedication to Eusebi Guell, the most important patron for the artist. This has made the palace one of the most visited monuments in the city and the work is quite impressive.

Being in the architect’s huge undertakings list, the palace is very original and his style and creation is clearly uniquely standing out on the palace. The décor and structure fusion as well as the contents and forms that the architect used are simply characteristic as it is in the rest of his amazing masterpieces. You will find your tour around the palace most interesting and it is a paradise for history and art lovers coming into Barcelona.

This palace is open to the public from Monday through Saturday from 10 in the morning till six o’clock. There is actually a guide taking people around every half of an hour and you will therefore manage to explore and enjoy everything that it has to offer without leaving anything that is interesting out during the tour. It is definitely one of those pieces that you cannot miss out on when thinking of a tour that will turn Barcelona inside out.

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